Morgan Handyman & Remodel

Below are frequently asked questions and other information on Morgan Handyman & Remodel's customer process

What happens after I schedule my Estimate?
You’ve contacted Morgan Handyman & Remodel to schedule your estimate (206-801-6389).  A reminder call will be made the day before your scheduled appointment. Please remember our appointment windows are 4 hour, for example arrival time 8am to 12pm. Please note estimates over $10,000.00 are $199.00.

When will I receive my Estimate?
Most estimates will be received within 1 business day following your appointment. If an estimate requires additional time the office will contact you and let you know the expected completion date for your estimate.

How do I approve my Estimate?
You will receive your estimate from Quickbooks.  This will allow you to electronically approve the estimate if you would like to approve it.  You can also download the estimate as a PDF to review

How do I pay the Deposit Payment?
Once the approved estimate is received by our office we will send you an invoice for 25% of the total estimate amount. There will be a link with the invoice sent that will allow you to make the deposit payment right from your email.

What are the payment options?
ACH, Check, Credit Card (MasterCard or Visa). This proposal already includes a 3.5% discount for check payments. Credit cards please add 3.5%.

How do I get on the Schedule?
Once the initial deposit payment is made our scheduling department will contact you with our next available appointment time. Whether your project was previously on the waiting list or it is being put directly onto the schedule, you will be required to pay an additional 25% deposit to lock your place on the schedule.

What if I need to Reschedule my Appointment?
All projects under $1,000.00 require 4 business days written notice/request to reschedule. All jobs over $1,000.00 require 5 business days written notice/request to reschedule. If a written notice/request is not received within the 4 or 5 business days, whichever is applicable, the full cost of the job will be billable without offering a reschedule. Once a deposit is put down we reserve time on our schedule and in some cases order materials; therefore, once a deposit is put down it is not refundable.

My project is now complete when is my final payment due?
Once the project is 100% complete the office will send out the invoice the following day via email to the email address we have on file.  Final payment is due upon receipt of the final invoice.

What are other Payment Terms?
All Payments must be made directly to the office. Payment is due in full immediately upon completion of the job. Accounts not paid in full after 5 days will be subject to and placed on "In House Financing" at a rate of 15% per month of the outstanding balance until paid in full. All Small Claims will be handled in Snohomish County Only. Customer is responsible for all additional financing charges, collection fees and/or attorney's fees incurred due to non-payment.

Any other information I should know?
Jobs are invoiced on a time + materials/expenses. All materials/expenses are billed back to customer with no markup. On jobs that are multiple phases, and over $2,000.00, progress payments will be required to keep the balance due below $2,000.

We are required to provide a contractor’s notice to all customers. We include this with all estimates. 
A copy of that notice can be found here.
