Exterior Painting

Morgan Handyman & Remodel Provides quality Exterior Painting Services. Our Seattle Exterior Painting Service can help with any outdoor painting project you may have! Would like like a new exterior paint color? Or maybe your old fence needs a fresh coat of paint? Our Seattle Handyman team is ready to complete all of your exterior painting projects! Best of all, we have a “not-a-single-drop” no-mess policy. We know that painting projects can be time consuming, for that reason we provide timely and affordable painting services in the Greater Seattle Area.

Our past Exterior Painting projects have included:
  • Garage door painting
  • Fence Painting
  • Sheds
  • Decks

Our Exterior Painting Services are not limited to the projects listed above. Please look in our photo gallery for past painting projects!

 If you have any questions contact us or CALL (206)-801-6389.

We strive to make our costs affordable and accessible to our many clients. We also strongly believe in having transparent rates. Our painting rates and terms are included in full below.


  • Rates are estimated per project

  Seattle Painting Service